You Are Not Defined By Others' Limitations

In entertainment, an actor is a triple threat to the industry if they can act, dance, and sing. Crystal Emery describes herself as a triple threat to the world, as she is disabled, black, and female; these three qualities make her triple threatened.

Crystal attended the first big event at Temple Medical School. She was greeted at the door by two security guards who told her she was “in the wrong building”. When Crystal clarified she was here to see her friend Beth, a doctor there, the security guards emphasized their point that “the clinic is down the street”.

The security guards are not the first to question Crystal, often people are skeptical of her work. She often hears “Oh, did you write that story?” when a script she published is released.  When people look at Crystal, they don’t think she is ‘capable’ of the successes in her life; this is where things need to change.

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Educating, understanding, and gaining compassion for those who have succeeded against all odds is a must in this world. You reading this, you most likely have done something no one thought you could do.

There are many different ways to look at the world, but people should be looked at for who they are. Just because someone is different than you, does not mean they aren’t capable to do what you can, or even more.

Things can not change overnight, and neither can this. Crystal’s work encourages others to let their light shine, and she recognizes that hers should shine too. This is not a revolution, this is an evolution.

 Emery is founder and executive director of URU, The Right to Be, Inc., a non-profitmedia production organization working to promote cultural competency and collaboration amongdiverse racial, social and economic groups.

Emery is a passionate producer, writer, director, filmmaker and activist known for award-winning documentary work and far-reaching educational initiatives developed to inspire social impact. Her first feature length documentary, ‘The Deadliest Disease in America,’ addresses racism in healthcare practices and earned Ms. Emery the Congressional Black Caucus Health Brain Trust Award in Journalism.

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We thank Crystal for her activism and inspiration to those who face challenges and differences. To learn more from her, watch HERE

Caroline Saviano